Attorney William Bronchick’s Industry-Leading Sub2 Coaching!

Get The Sub2 Support System You Need…

To Get Profitable Results Without Falling Into The Pitfalls of Real Estate!

(Only 19, 16 Available)

The Sub2 Support System

Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • 1 Jump-start Coaching Session ($1,000 Value)
  • 2 Weekly Action Assignments($2,000 Value)
  • 3 Months of Deal Review (4,500 Value)
  • 2x Monthly Live Zoom Coaching (2,400 Value)
  • 18 Premium Subject to Real Estate Videos recorded at a weekend-long In depth training ($1,000 Value)
  • 3 Months Access to a Complete Library of 116 Attorney Drafted, State Specific Sub2 Contracts and Documents ($5,600 Value)
  • Exclusive access to the Sub2 Real Estate Community for support, encouragement, networking, and motivation ($500 Value)

($17,000 VALUE)

Ethical, Legal, & Profitable Coaching

LIVE Zoom Training Sessions

Twice a month there will be an intentional group training session geared specifically to what you need to know!

Attorney William Bronchick is the best in the industry at identifying what is going on in the market, then taking complex ideas and making them simple to understand so you can take action on it…

You are going to love these training sessions live… but of course they will also be available on replay!

Deal Review

The number one reason that people with a desire to buy investment properties do not actually make any purchases is FEAR. 

Fear that they may be overpaying. fear that they may not be structuring the deal correctly, Fear that they don’t know what they don’t know and moving forward is going to cost them big! Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!

With Deal Review.. you no longer need to allow fear to hold you back… simply submit your deal and put Attorney William Bronchick’s 32 years of experience to work for you!

First (or Next) Deal

Step by Step to your First Deal

Too often well intentioned “investors” buy a bunch of educational materials…

or worse… browse the interwebs…

and never get the full story of how to actually close a deal!

The Sub2 Support System is specifically designed to take you by the hand and give you all the education and tools you need to get your first or next deal!

Weekly Assignments

If that sounds like work…

You are absolutely correct…

Buying Real Estate subject to the existing mortgage is not a get rich quick scheme…

It is business! 

If you’re willing to take action… invest energy, time, and treasure up front to purchase a house sub2 then we are convinced that anyone can do it ethically, legally, and profitably.


Bonus 1: Marketing to Motivated Sellers ($500 Value)

Here’s What You’ll LearnAbout Finding Motivated Sellers…

  • How to identify the ideal customer for your real estate acquisitions
  • Cold-calling, direct mail, referrals, bird-dogs, and many other ways to find deals that are NOT on the MLS!
  • Free and low-cost ways to market for motivated sellers
  • Getting instant referrals from people who’d you LEAST expect to give them!
  • Social media and other online marketing
  • Handling and organizing incoming leads
  • What to say over the phone (the “Script”) and HOW to say it – live role playing scenarios!
  • How to get to the seller’s REAL problems (not the B.S. cover story he’s giving you!)
  • Qualifying sellers to meet with
  • The art of sales persuasion – how to gain instant rapport and get the seller to open up
  • Calculating cost per lead, conversion rates, and return on marketing dollars
  • Deciding who to follow up with, and who’s not worth it
  • Creating an effective marketing plan for your business (including template)

Bonus 2: Power Negotiation Training ($500 Value)

You will learn:

  • The Three Essential keys to Power negotiating.
  • Laying the groundwork for successful negotiations.
  • Mastering communication techniques.
  • Setting up a win-win scenario.
  • Winning negotiating techniques.
  • Overcoming seller objections.

Bonus 3: The Perfect Sub2 Phone Script ($500 Value)

Have you ever hesitated to make a phone call?

We get it… sometimes the hardest part is just having a plan of what to say…

This bonus is worth its weight in gold…

Complete with an Audio walk-through this script will have you ready to make a “perfect call” with any prospective sellers!

Here’s Everything You’ll Receive:

  • 12 Weekly Assignments to get your next sub2 deal
  • 3 Months of Deal Review
  • 2x Monthly Live Zoom Coaching
  • 18 Premium Videos Recorded at a weekend-long in depth training
  • Access to a Complete Library of Sub2 Contracts and Documents
  • Exclusive access to the Sub2 Support Community 
  • Complete Clarity of your target Farm Area, Prospect Motivation, and Profitable Exit Strategies
  • Where to Find Motivated Property Owners
  • How to Create a Six Figure Real Estate Business in the next 12 months
  • Bonus #1: Marketing to Motivated Sellers eCourse
  • Bonus #2: Power Negotiation Training
  • Bonus #3: Perfect Sub2 Phone Script


Total Value: $18,500


Attorney William Bronchick’s Sub2 Support System

Special Offer

Three Months of Training For Only $1,997.00!

Attorney William Bronchick’s Industry Leading Sub2 Coaching!

Get The Sub2 Support System That You Need…

To Get Profitable Results Without Falling Into The Pitfalls of Real Estate!

Total Value: $18,500 – Get Three Months of Weekly Assignments, Deal Review, Live Coaching, Sub2 Training, State Specific Contracts and Documents, Power Negotiation Training, Marketing to Motivated Sellers,


(Only 19,16 Spots Available)

Coaching Student Reviews & Success Stories

Bill Removed my Fear of Real Estate Investing

“You get access to all his knowledge and experience”

Watch sheena’s review

We Made It Happen with Bill’s Training

“Turned from a construction worker into a $9 million a year revenue investor”

Watch randall’s review


Bill Helped Me and Can Help You

“With his help I went over two million dollars worth of investment properties”

Watch JASON’S review

Been with Bill since 2002

“For the last 17 years of wholesaling Bill and his team were always with me”

Watch pete’s review

High Quality Education Program

“All the main principles in Real Estate I learned from Bill”

Watch fleming’s review

Running Family Business

“Running RE company for the last 15 years and using Bill’s advices for 12”

Watch pete’s review

I Highly Recommend his Coaching

“The coaching program has absolutly paid for itself”

Watch ferzaca’s review

Bill helped me start in real estate investing

“Bill gives multiple ways to marketing deals”

Watch steve’s review

I Highly Recommend his Coaching

“Bill walked me through my first profitable deal”

Watch KARL’s review

Attorney William Bronchick’s Industry Leading Sub2 Coaching!

Get The Sub2 Support System That You Need…

To Get Profitable Results Without Falling Into The Pitfalls of Real Estate!

Total Value: $18,500 – Get 3 Months of Weekly Assignments, Deal Review, Live Coaching, Sub2 Training, State Specific Contracts and Documents, Power Negotiation Training, Marketing to Motivated Sellers,


I was struggling as a newbie investor for a long time. Since taking Bill’s training, my life has changed dramatically. My passive income is almost double that of my earned income from my career with the fire department. Without Bill’s personal help I would not be where I am today – plain and simple. I’m forever grateful to Bill. You’re the best Bill! 

Jason Hattaway

Investor/Firefighter, Castle Rock, CO

I want to congratulate you on your courses and seminars.  I still watch and listen to them, just keeping educated in what is being taught.  You are definitely the “best” in every category, compared to everybody else.  I like the fact that you teach the difference between the right and wrong way to do it. You are “right on” with everything you teach – keep up the good work.

Dr. Richard Powelson, PhD

Legendary Instructor and Best-Selling Author

My family and I were taught by Bill and we purchased many of his courses and seminars. He is the real deal! He practices what he preaches and knows his stuff when it comes to real estate and the law. Without Bill, we would have made costly mistakes that could have resulted in a failure instead of  success.

Jared Miller

Sedalia, Colorado

Bill Bronchick’s plan for my real estate has allowed me to achieve my goals in just a few short years.  Now, work is optional if I choose, because my properties produce enough income to support my lifestyle. Thanks to Bill, I can live my life on my own terms.

Eric Hiivala


I worked in Corporate America all my life. Piddled with real estate, mostly as a landlord, for years. I joined your training and started slow, but as this year as of now I have already made more  in revenue in 9 months than I ever made in salary in 2 years before. Thanks for getting me started and your continued support.

Sonja Whitemon

Dallas, TX

Bill Bronchick’s courses and mentoring took my real estate business to a new level. From his coaching, I learned to buy real estate with no money down and without using my own credit. I am forever grateful for the freedom that his Creative Finance real estate techniques have provided me.

Joe Sugg

Colorado Springs, CO

Thank you, Bill for a great real estate seminar this weekend!!  

I learned A TON and came away both inspired and fired up. I also appreciate the time you made yourself available on the breaks and beforehand to speak with people individually. That level of interaction demonstrates that you really care about the success of your students!

Brian Taylor

Commercial TV Presenter, Los Angeles, CA

Thanks for teaching me the wholesaling business, which has allowed me to live the lifestyle that I always desired. You have always made yourself available for questions and solutions to my biggest challenges! I have attached a picture of my trip to Ireland with my two girls in September which was paid for with the checks I received for August’s closings. 

Holly Stiles

Broker/Investor/Women’s Real Estate Coach

Bill is a great real estate investor who teaches his students to create win-win situations. He not only educates the student but helps them develop as people — showing that one can deal ethically and profitably. In short, Bill Bronchick believes in striking the right balance of compassion for people and real estate.  I am proud to call Bill my mentor.

Michael Clarkson


I first started learning from Bill Bronchick around 2009 / 2010 and I succeeded on a level I never though possible.I learned so much from Bill and would not be where I am now without his expertise and gift at sharing that knowledge. Bill is a real estate attorney, investor and all-around expert in all things real estate. You can’t go wrong following Bill Bronchick’s advice!

Fleming Schutrumpf

Denver, Colorado

I hired William Bronchick because he is personable and made me feel comfortable with what I was dealing with. William Bronchick was awesome! I would highly recommend him!

Dan Darouvar

Real Estate Developer

I have an MBA and a JD and I have been subscribing to his courses for year and have found them to be very helpful.

Paul Burghardt

Las Vegas, NV

Bill Bronchick and is extremely helpful for investors from beginners to seasoned experts. From basic landlording to creative financing and overall financial strategies, he and his team have been invaluable to me and I have referred them many times to my friends .

John Hermannusen

Real Estate Broker/Investor

Your courses changed my life. I feel I need to give thanks to the people that helped get to where I am at. Your courses were one of the first courses I ever read to get started into real estate, which gave me the drive and passion to succeed. Today we buy and sell around over 20 properties per month and now mentor 100s of students nationwide. Thanks to your courses that inspired me

Russell J. Walker

Chicago, IL

Attorney William Bronchick’s Industry Leading Sub2 Coaching!

Get The Sub2 Support System That You Need…

To Get Profitable Results Without Falling Into The Pitfalls of Real Estate!

Total Value: $18,500 – Get 3 Months of Weekly Assignments, Deal Review, Live Coaching, Sub2 Training, State Specific Contracts and Documents, Power Negotiation Training, Marketing to Motivated Sellers,


(Only 19, 16 Spots Available)

Attorney Bill Bronchick

About Your Coach…

William Bronchick, Host of is a nationally-known attorney, author, entrepreneur, and public speaker.

Mr. William Bronchick has been practicing law and investing in real estate since 1990, having been involved in thousands of real estate transactions. He has trained countless people all over the Country to become financially successful, speaking to audiences of as many as 16,000 people at mega-events, sharing the stage with names like Steve Forbes and Colin Powell. He has been interviewed by CNBC, FOX, ABC, NBC, TIME Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily, USA Today, and dozens of other major media outlets. He is the author of six published books.

William Bronchick is the co-founder and past President of the Colorado Association of Real Estate Investors and the Executive Director and founder of the College of American Real Estate Investors. He is admitted to practice law before the bars of New York and Colorado.