Foreclosure Profit$
Live Two-Day Workshop
Learn the 7 Proven Ways to Profit
During the Foreclosure Process!
Saturday/Sunday October 28/29th - Denver, CO
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Denver International Airport
26, 19, 9, 4 Seats Remaining!
Now is the Time to Seize the Opportunity that the Inflationary Economy Has Presented for Investors...
Inflation has caused many homeowners to lose income and become delinquent on their mortgages, presenting an opportunity for real estate investors to make a tidy profit!
As you may know, inflation has caused a meltdown of the economy that has put homeowners under extreme pressure to choose between gas and groceries and their mortgage payments. Rising costs of living is leading to millions of defaults. At some point, the homeowners will have to make up a substantial backlog of payments, and many won't be able to do so we will then see a rash of foreclosures like we haven't seen since 2008.
These conditions also present an opportunity for real estate investors who know how to buy homes from people in these troubled situations, helping them avoid foreclosure and also allowing investors to make a profit. Once you learn the Seven Foolproof Ways to Profit in Foreclosures, you will have the tools you need to pick up some MAJOR bargains and build a substantial retirement nest egg over the next few years!
It's MUCH Easier Than You Think...
Once You've Learned WHAT to do!
Most people don't (or can't) do foreclosure deals because they don't understand the techniques and/or they can't seem to get sellers to get on board. They think there's too much competition, but the reality is, most of the so-called "competition" doesn't know SQUAT about how to get a person in foreclosure to trust them enough to do business with them. In my Foreclosure Profits Workshop, you will learn EXACTLY what it takes to get deals done!
Don't Miss this Opportunity!
This event will only be given ONCE every few years at MOST, so you cannot afford to wait. Further, the window of opportunity for finding foreclosure deals will be a short one, so don't sit on the sidelines and miss out. This event is strictly limited to 35 ACTION-TAKERS who register early and it's filling up quickly!
Here's What You'll Learn at the
“Foreclosure Profits Workshop”
Here's What Previous Attendees of
Bill Bronchick's Workshops Have to Say!

Randall Wall
Salt Lake City, UT
I've been going to Bill's seminars and workshops for many years because they always deliver. Awesome content and he answers the tough questions that other people tell you to "Tall to an attorney."
I love how Mr. Bronchick takes complex legal topics and breaks them down into simple and understandable concepts.

Marie Parker
Ft. Myers, FL

Joe Sugg
Colorado Springs, CO
There's no better instructor out there than Bill Bronchick. He's sharp, witty, and has answers to all your questions. He's hard to "stump"!
Bill Bronchick's workshop got me started in real estate investing and how I'm full-time and financially-free thanks to his advice!

Sheena Blankenagel
St. Georges, UT
Enroll Now in the
“Foreclosure Profits Workshop”
Learn Everything You Need to Know About Foreclosure Deals
- 112 Sessions - Video Recorded. Get ready for the "firehouse" of information. No fluff or vaguery - just solid "meat and potatoes" instruction. You'll get a copy of the video recording as well!
- 2Powerpoint. Download a copy of the PowerPoint slides from the entire weekend.
- 3Foreclosure Protection Act Guide. Included with your purchase is a state by state guide to foreclosure protection acts - learn the rules of your state or ELSE!

Tuition for this two-day event is a paltry $497.00. That's less than my hourly rate as an attorney. It's also about 1/50th of the profits you can make on ONE foreclosure deal!
Get in Now! Seating is Limited to Just
35 People and WILL Sell Out Early!

26, 19, 14, 9, 4 Seats Remaining!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't absolutely LOVE this workshop, we'll refund your tuition price within 5 days of the event. No questions asked!
My mom always said to me, "You can make money or you can make excuses... but you can't do both!”
Amen, Mom!
Your partner in success,

PS - if you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY can't attend live, you can register now and receive the recording and Powerpoint presentations a few weeks after the event. But if you're excuse is, "I live too far away," then you aren't really committed to learning these powerful strategies. They make these things called "AIRPLANES!" The hotel is right by Denver International Airport and is only about $120/night.
Copyright 2023, Bronchick Consulting Group, LLC - Disclaimers