Attorney & Best-Selling Author Bill Bronchick Presents...
Creative Real Estate Financing
Recording from Live Event Now Available!
Learn How to Buy Real Estate Without Banks, Without Credit, and
With Little or No Money Out of Pocket in 2023 and Beyond!

You MUST Learn How to Leverage Properties Without
Banks or Credit if You Want to Retire WEALTHY!
Leverage... the key to getting wealthy in real estate.
You can't possibly save up money quickly enough to buy properties cash or even with large down payments. The less you put down, the more you can buy and ride the long-term appreciation curve.
As the market starts to flatten and soften, there will be lots of deals available; but forking out 20% down or more for a down payment on a property and signing personally on a 30-year loan is insane and unsustainable. You will run out of cash and probably run out of ways to borrow. There are better ways to make money and build wealth without dealing with banks or using your own credit.
Furthermore, market interest rates offered by banks and mortgage companies are just too darn high to create cash flow on rental properties. But, if you learn to employ "Creative Financing," you can create hundreds of dollars a month in cash flow, with little or no money down. "Is that even possible," you wonder? Yes, it surely is, but few investors know how to do this, and even FEWER so-called "real estate professionals" know it either...
The recording from the Creative Real Estate Financing Boot Camp on April 15/16th, 2023 will give you the tools you need to succeed in this unique market and for years ahead of you.

One Workshop, Many Hot Topics!
Topic 1:
Seller Financing
Learn how to find, evaluate, negotiate, and close deals with seller financing with little or no money down!
Topic 2:
Learn how to control properties and make cash flow and chunks of cash using leases/options with NO CASH or CREDIT!
Topic 3:
Learn how to buy properties subject-to the existing mortgage. How to negotiate it and what to say and disclose.
Topic 4:
Learn how to buy or sell real estate with existing loans and create tremendous cash flow without tenants!
Topic 5:
No $$ Down Deals
Learn a dozen or more ways to buy real estate without (or with a very small) down payment. Do endless deals in real estate.
Topic 6:
Finding Deals
Learn how to find motivated sellers in today's market. We cover over 25 creative ideas that are proven to work for you!
Here's Just a Small List of Things You Will Learn:
About Your Instructor:
William Bronchick

William ("Bill") Bronchick has been in the creative real estate business for over THIRTY-TWO YEARS! As an attorney, investor, mentor, coach, and through his title agency, he has closed over 1,600 transactions involving creative real estate deals. That's more experience than anyone you will meet in the business!
Mr. Bronchick is the author of six published real estate books. He was the founder and president of the Colorado Association of Real Estate Investors for 17 years. He has appeared on various national media, such as on CNBC, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, TIME Magazine, Money Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily, USA Today, and dozens of other prestigious media outlets. He hosted "The Real Estate Expert" radio show for six years on Denver's AM 630. He has spoken to audiences as large as 16,000 people for "Get Motivated" events, sharing the stage with names like Colin Powell, Suzie Orman & Steve Forbes.

“Top-notch learning experiences....”
"I've attended several of Bills trainings and they were top-notch learning experiences. Easy to understand, easy to follow, and he welcomes questions from his audience"
- Julee G., Realtor/Investor, Houston

“[Bill] alleviated my fears ..."
“I got my start in real estate investing by attending one of Bill Bronchick's events. He is an excellent teacher and alleviated my fears by giving me direct answers to all of my questions. Most other seminar instructors just tell you to "see an attorney" when it comes to legal issues. Well, no need to do that here, Bill IS the attorney!"
- Sheena B., Investor, Utah

“I always learn something new and innovative..."
“I've been going to Bill Bronchick's seminars for over 15 years, and I keep going back because I always learn something new and innovative. Bill is always ahead of the curve with this training, and I like that he covers the legal angles and helps you stay out of trouble (and out of court!)."
- Don L., Investor/Developer, Portland

“1.8 Million of real estate with no money down ..."
“With Bill's help I bought $1.8M of real estate with no money out of pocket. I even got cash back at closing! I was very skeptical at first, but now I'm a big believer!. His training is essential for anyone who wants to buy real estate without large chunks of cash or credit in today's market.
- Joe S., Investor, Colorado Springs
Get the Recording NOW for this Event!
*This Recording Will Only be Available for a Short Period of Time*

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