I bet you wrote down your goals on January 1st this year. Is that all? Did you re-think them this month and write it down again? If you don’t know what your goals are, how are you going to measure whether you’ve reached them? And, I would bet that if you didn’t write them down at all, you are in the same financial position as you were on January 1st. Ouch! Here are the final 6 of the 12 tips to help you to reach your goals.
Is it time for a change of strategy? Maybe so, read on…
Just a reminder that the most accurate archer, the best in the world can do a better job of shooting than he can…IF…you first blindfold him and turn him around a few times. You might think, why that is ridiculous. How is he supposed to hit a target he cannot see? Here’s a better question: How are YOU supposed to hit a target you don’t even HAVE?
Include a deadline for achieving your goals. This prevents procrastination. It also separates your goals from your dreams.
Having pictures of the things you will have and do with the money you make helps. Use a scrapbook with color pictures of cars, homes, vacations, etc. you want.
Your goals should be action-oriented. What steps do you need to take to reach your goals? Many investors use strategies such as Wholesaling or Creative Financing in order to bring them closer to reaching their goals, financially speaking.
Break down your goal into manageable steps. With each activity, ask yourself: Does this activity take me closer to my goal?
Keep your goals to yourself. You avoid any negative people around you who might sabotage your efforts. Some people cannot stand to see you succeed. And some spouses hate the idea of making a change, believe it or not.
Motivational tapes and CDs, played in your car on the way to work, can help dramatically. The ones by Nightingale-Conant are especially good.
Be prepared to review and restate your goals, as you reach a certain level, or your situation changes, and you realize that you have not reached high enough.
AS we mentioned before, be prepared to review and restate your goals, as you reach a certain level or your situation changes, and you realize that you have not reached high enough. Sometimes having a trusted advisor or mentor can really keep you focused and on point.
Hope you enjoyed this!
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